Avengers End Game: How Super Heroes Gave Me Hope

Avengers End Game: How Super Heroes Gave Me Hope

I promise no spoilers here. What I will share is how this movie brought home the wisdom. You heard that right. A secular movie brought truth. I believe things like this bring John 17:16 being “in the world and not of it” to life.

At one point in the movie, one of the characters says to another, “Don’t bring me hope.” The other responded saying, “I’m sorry it took me so long.”

“Don’t bring me hope.”

“I’m sorry it took me so long.”

The moment they uttered those words I thought of Jesus. In the middle of an Avengers movie, I thought about my faith. It’s easy for me to stay quiet. Yes, I used to be the kid in class that got her name on the board for talking too much but, I find safety in being quiet. I also second guess myself; especially when it comes to my faith.

Too often, I think people don’t need to hear about my faith. Or, I believe the lie that they don’t want to hear, yet again, about this Jesus I am always talking about.

The moment the character told her friend that she was sorry for taking so long bringing the hope, I wondered if I had done the same. Have I taken too long to bring the hope of Jesus to others?

I know the hope that resides in knowing Jesus. I live it every day. It is a privilege to know that level of hope. Why hide it? Especially in a world that is in desperate need of some hope.

Don’t take so long to bring hope. There are people right in front of you that need it. They may act like they don’t want it. They may tell you that they don’t need it. But, they do.

Don’t take too long.

Bring them hope.

Love & Blessings,
