Adventure Lies in the Unseen

Adventure Lies in the Unseen

Have you ever had that one friend that won’t celebrate you? You work so hard on something, yet she acts like it doesn’t exist. All you want is for your friend to notice. She sees others doing similar things, but she doesn’t notice you.

We all want to be seen. We want people to notice. It helps us feel like we matter. As an enneagram one, people noticing my perfectly thought out, orchestrated, completed tasks gives me life. But, I am finding that the adventure, all the good & crazy that actually matters, is found in the unseen moments of life.

I am finding that the adventure, all the good & crazy that actually matters, is found in the unseen moments of life.

Jesus lived in the unseen. He arrived in a lowly dwelling. Some translations say, “Jesus moved into the neighborhood.” I love that. He is identified as a king but his only attendants at birth were his mom and dad who were first time parents. Can you even imagine? He told his disciples on multiple occasions not to go rushing off telling people of the things He just did.

Jesus was a man who lived in the unseen. Yet, He is the most seen figure of all time.


I really truly believe the real adventure, y’all, is found in the unseen.

That friend that doesn’t notice you; that isn’t celebrating what you’re doing? She doesn’t have to celebrate you. She deosnt’ have to notice. Because you are already noticed and celebrated. By God. He sees. He notices. He’s celebrating. He gave you that passion; that dream. He’s stoked when He sees you walk into it.

So, what are you waiting for? What adventure can you go on and no one notices? There is more fulfillment in the unseen then the popular. Go for it. Take the adventure. Life resides in this space.