It’s Been Awhile…

It’s Been Awhile…

A friend asked if I’d written on my blog lately. Nope. I couldn’t even remember the last time I had written in this space. Maybe I needed a break; a break I didn’t know I needed. Sometimes we need to step away for awhile. Honestly, I wrote so much every week for so long that I needed to miss it. I needed to find my passion again. I needed to find who I was and who I wanted to be in this space rather than chasing who everyone and all the algorithms were telling me to be.

It’s easy to get caught up in our spaces. Many of us don’t even realize it is happening. The days pass quickly and we haven’t looked up once. With our heads down and eyes focused on the task, we slowly lose ourselves in our work instead of our work losing itself in us. We become what we are doing instead of who we are.

We become what we are doing instead of who God created us to be.

Where are your eyes?

Where have you fixed your gaze?

Have you become what you’re focused on or have you remained true to who you are?

It’s easy to ebb and flow in this space. The pull of the world is strong like a constant magnetic force trying to pull us away from our Creator’s design and into the dull waning of the ways of our culture or state of our world. What we do should be an overflow of who we are; not the other way around.

So, I guess I needed a break. I needed my work to pour out of who I am and who God created me to be instead of allowing the outside things tell me who I am and how I should be, do, think, and respond.

Pick your head up. Look around. Ask yourself, “Who am I?” Step into who you are created to be and watch what you are trying to create come to life.

Love you. Mean it.
