The First Renovation

On this week’s episode, I briefly chat about my first experience with renovation. I didn’t choose this experience. It chose me.

You can listen to the full story by clicking the link above.

About five years ago, we had a major flood in our home. Little did I know, that frustration would awaken a passion in me that I didn’t know was laying dormant. When I think back on my childhood and growing up years, I don’t see a girl dreaming of becoming a teacher (that is what I did pre-kids). When I look back on my life, I see a girl who loved to create. Whether it was building a tree house and decorating it with puffy paint and trinkets or moving the furniture around in my room for the umpteenth time, being creative was always something that brought me to life. I loved writing and painting the walls of my room and throw pillows. I didn’t realize that was what I was meant to do; to be.

Sometimes we search and search to find ourselves not realizing that person has been inside us all along trying desperately to get out. We try this and do what they say we are good at feeling meh or half of ourselves. It isn’t until we have a moment of awakening, mine came in the sign of an overflowed toilet, do we realize who we really are and what we should be doing with our lives.

For too long, I stuffed down the person I was always meant to be because I felt stupid. Honestly, I was insecure. I am not a published author, so there’s no way I can be taken seriously as a writer. If anything, I have been rejected every time I have tried to have my writing published, so I convinced myself I couldn’t be a writer. I don’t have a degree in design. I have never been trained in any sort of renovation or design, so who am I to say I know what I am doing when creating a space in our home?

So much doubt.

So much talking myself out of it.

This episode, this podcast, is a compilation of stories of how I went from convincing myself I am not qualified enough to write, design, and garden to stepping into these three things with bold confidence and clarity. This is a place to inspire you to do the same. You have dreams. You know what energizes you and awakens your innermost being more than anything else. Yet, there is something that is holding you back from stepping fully into it. If this is you, this is where you belong.

Take the risk.

Do the thing.

It’s time to live.

Love you. Mean it.
