Tag: mercy

The Justice Idol

The Justice Idol

I am a rule follower. I believe that if you don’t follow the rules, you deserve the consequences. I was the “you cheated” and the “you’re out because you didn’t follow the rules” kid. I am a justice seeker thru and thru. Because of this, 



“Darkness does not drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that.” Martin Luther King Jr. I love you. Some of us say this statement flippantly. Some don’t say it at all. This sentiment can bring 

On My Knees

On My Knees


Lately, I have realized that I need to share what brought me into the blogging world: my story. My original blog (hello, MySpace) was a place where I recorded milestones and triumphs of our first born and our adventures in a new town. And then it happened: miscarriage. I felt trapped. I needed an outlet and that became writing and sharing my story. I have read and heard three stories of miscarriage this week. At the same time, I was able to celebrate the announcement of a healthy pregnancy of a friend who has been trying for 12 years. It’s time I revisit my story. Not to hurt again or throw it in the face of others that my story worked out. But instead, to unify us through our stories; to empower us and heal us by sharing the deepest of our hurts. I do not have answers to your questions of “why.” What I do have is hope. I always had hope even in my darkest times because I had Jesus. I hope this week helps you feel less alone and fills you with hope and peace in the midst of your despair. I am praying for you and loving on you even though I may not know your name. So is He and He does know your name. Rest in that.


“I realized I wanted to see the whole body moving instead of just doing my part. I wanted to know the ins and outs of what I was affecting, and a little diagram of potential issues headed my way would be awesome. I wanted the scientist’s view. I wasn’t given that, and it wasn’t by accident.” Angie Smith

I was on my knees in Grady’s room crying harder than I probably ever have begging our great Lord for my precious boy. You see, I had been through two miscarriages, one being at the end of the first trimester with a baby that had Downs. Grady’s room sat empty and I desperately wanted it filled. I knew deep down in my heart that Jackson was meant to be a big brother and not an only child but after the way things were going, that looked bleak. I begged and cried and begged some more. I am sure I promised God the moon too. God did eventually bless us with Grady and then blew our socks off with Wyatt; our bonus baby that we weren’t planning on but now know we needed him to complete our family.

At the moment of my despair as I was crying over two lost pregnancies and desiring a sibling for Jack, I wish I could have had that diagram Angie talks about. I want to know what’s around the corner and that my prayers have meaning and an effect. Even though I believe with all of my heart and my very being that God absolutely heard me that day on my knees in Grady’s room, I do not think my begging, crying, and promising my everything gave me Grady. I know God designed my family well before I even knew who He was. Wyatt taught me this. Scott and I were done having kids after Grady. Literally, a month after having the conversation that two boys was plenty, I got pregnant. This, after all the issues I had trying to have Grady. God knew. He had our family perfectly designed regardless of my plans or prayers. His will.

My friend and I are doing a book study of Angie Smith’s, Chasing God. The chapter we just went through was on prayer. We had an incredible conversation about how all the begging in the world will not change God’s mind. That was a blow to Michelle and I. Not because we think we are all powerful and want to control God. No. We want to know that our prayers matter. And you know what? They do. Prayer brings us closer to the one who Created us. Prayers give us peace and hope, joy and comfort. God has a design, a perfect will, for our lives where everything is working together to create a perfect and beautiful story for our lives. Prayer connects us to that story.

“Delight yourselves in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4

For years I misunderstood Psalm 37:4. I thought if I walked with the Lord and lived for Him He would give me what I desired. I have a different perspective on this verse now. I believe that as I grow closer to God my desires become His desires. I feel the same way with prayer. Jesus even prayed to the Father about how he really felt about the dying on the cross BUT he didn’t stop there. He prayed that the Father’s WILL be done. Not Jesus’ desires but the Father’s will. I believe whole-heartedly that God brings specific people in our lives to prayer over us. I also believe He fills our hearts with desires and what to pray. Do I think He controls us? Absolutely not. He gave us free will for a reason. He did, however, give us the Holy Spirit to guide us in our lives and that’s exactly what I believe happens in our prayers. The Holy Spirit is present and active when we pray.

So, what now? What does this mean for my prayer life? Angie Smith says this, “What I have been given is the ability to take in and give out. I don’t really understand the way it distributes itself throughout the body, or how it comes back to me, but it doesn’t keep me from doing what He made be to do. And it doesn’t make me insignificant. It just means I’m not always in a position to see or feel my significance, so I choose to defer to the One who does.” <i>Chasing God</i>

I will pray and believe great and mighty things from a great and mighty God. I will tap into the power of the Holy Spirit when I pray. I will ask God to transform my desires to His because they are better anyway (Wyatt is a prime example of His plan being better than mine). I will pray to grow closer to Him and commune with Him. I will walk along the way and talk with Him through my prayers about silly stuff. And I will continue praying miracle prayers as I am doing for someone I love right now. He places burdens on our heart to pray for, don’t ignore it. Instead, pray believing doing your part, my part, and letting Him worry about His.

Love & Blessings,

Functional Lepers

Functional Lepers

In Discerning the Voice of God, Priscilla Shirer talks about how we can be functional lepers. She gave some background to leprosy explaining that the disease can lay dormant for years without anyone knowing you have it. The diseased individual knows he or she is sick, but 

Be the Change

Be the Change

I did it, y’all. I did what we all do. I saw the controversial post and got sucked into the train wreck that is the comment feed left in its wake. This one wasn’t too bad. Well, in regards to today’s standards, that is. I 



Have you ever felt like life is a black hole? Life is so hard and seems so dark that it is going to swallow you up. We beg and plead with God in our prayers only to hear nothing from him. We feel lost, alone, and weary.

I am the light of the world. John 8:12

When we are in distress, when life feels like it is closing in on us and we are all alone, we begin to look for the spotlight. We desperately want God to show up in a might way; like the boom of a firework. We are searching and searching for this brightness that never seems to come.

His light isn’t always a spotlight. Sometimes, it’s just a slight shift.

When God illuminates a dark place, he doesn’t always use a spotlight. Sometimes, oftentimes, he slightly shifts the shadows. We don’t see a huge impact, so we miss it. We miss his light. We want full immediate healing and instead, he gives us one small moment of peace. We are searching for relief, yet he gives us the strength to take one step and one step only. We continue to feel like we are drowning not recognizing that these small things are the Light that is illuminating our path towards healing.

There is hope in the small shift of light. We just have to stop pining for the spotlight in order to see it. 

We are losing our hope because we are looking for the spotlight instead of seeing the Light. Sometimes, we are afraid of the Light believing that It’s only purpose is to illuminate sin and wrong-doing. We forget that the Light is full of hope, grace, and mercy. The Light illuminates our path towards healing and wholeness.

Are you looking for the spotlight today missing the true Light? Are you afraid to step out of the shadows because you have convinced yourself that the Light is a scary place? I am here to tell you that the Light is a place of rest and restoration. The Light shines at all times. There is hope in the slight shift of the shadows. Open yourself up to notice when that shadow shifts. There’s hope in that space.

Love & Blessings,
