Tag: value

Flashback: Almost 40

Flashback: Almost 40

FLASHBACK POST I wrote this post a year ago when I turned 39. I have loved my thirties but I am ready to move on to the next chapter. I must say, I stuck to my mission for my year of 39: to be stronger 

Flashback Friday: Worth

Flashback Friday: Worth

FLASHBACK FRIDAY The boys recently asked my about my teaching past. They wanted to know what grades I taught and what I thought of the kids. They asked if it was hard and if I liked to teach. Jack asked me if I wanted to 

Perception vs. Deception

Perception vs. Deception

When we live in others’ perception of ourselves, we are deceived.

When we live for our own perception of ourselves, we are deceived.

Only God’s perception matters.

I have a saying written on a chalkboard in my office. It reads, Confidence in Christ. I wrote the phrase a few years ago and have yet to change it. You see, I need a constant reminder about where my confidence lies. It is easy to get wrapped up in thinking my value comes from what others say or think of me. I can quickly turn on myself when I see an unliked post on Instagram. My self-worth can deteriorate rapidly when I concoct those crazy stories in my head about what others might be saying about me behind my back. The Enemy knows how to get me and it’s in the stories I tell myself.

I can do all things through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

…being confident in this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it to completion until the day of Christ. Philippians 1:6

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. Jeremiah 17:7

In Him and through faith in Him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. Ephesians 3:12

The Word is painted with our value. We find our self-worth throughout Scripture. We read it. We know it. The words are in black and white on the page. Yet, it is so very hard to get these truths to firmly plant roots in our heart.

Our self-worth, our value, does not lie in the opinions of others or in our perception of ourselves. Our self-confidence resides in the One who created us: God. He made you and me on purpose and for a purpose. It is time we start believing this. Our perception remains pure when we see it through the lens of Jesus,

You are valuable…

Because God

You are worthy…

Because God

You are beautiful…

Because God

You have purpose…

Because God

Your life has meaning…

  Because God

Many of us need freedom today. We need the chains of other people’s thoughts about us to be cut free. I have the bolt cutters (the Word of God) and I am here to set you free through the One who frees us: Jesus Christ.

You are so very worthy, my beautiful friend. This world needs you for such a time as this (Esther 4:14). Don’t let other’s have a hold on you. Don’t let the thoughts you have of yourself run wild and spew lies. That’s not truth. The truth rests in the Savior and He proclaims your holy value in Him.

Rest easy in this. Be free today.

You are worthy.

You are valuable.

Because your Creator says so.

Love & Blessings,



Be the Change

Be the Change

I did it, y’all. I did what we all do. I saw the controversial post and got sucked into the train wreck that is the comment feed left in its wake. This one wasn’t too bad. Well, in regards to today’s standards, that is. I 

Flashback Friday: Nothing to Prove

Flashback Friday: Nothing to Prove

“How sweet is your name, Lord, how good You are Love to sing in the name of the Lord, love to sing for you all? Death could not hold You, the veil tore before You You silenced the boast, of sin and grave The heavens 

What’s Happened to Us

What’s Happened to Us

I was sitting outside watching my kids enjoy the first warm day in a long time when I received a text. The message informed me of another school shooting. I told my friend that I was so happy I didn’t watch the news. I had to break-up with the news awhile ago. If I continued watching I would have to start taking anxiety and depression meds. It’s all too much.

My friend text and asked me how we keep letting this happen. She wanted to know why this is even a thing. Her heart was broken and so was mine. Please make this stop.

Our homes are a mess. We aren’t paying attention as parents to our children. We aren’t instilling in our kids that they matter to us. God is gone. Wiped clean from the foundation of family. We’ve let Satan move in and don’t even know it. My heart breaks. Our children are so broken and it’s totally preventable and fixable.

It all boils down to Jesus.

Think, for a moment, where we place our value and worth. This is our problem. We are all guilty of placing our worth in everything BUT Jesus. We completely fail when we do this and so do our kids. Our children don’t know they matter because we can’t put our phones down for five minutes to listen to them. Look, there are times when I have heard enough about Minecraft, but it matters to my son. So, I will sit and listen to him tell me about a diamond pick ax and the latest underground chamber he’s created because HE MATTERS. Our kids are hurting and we don’t even realize it. Our eyes are fixed on everything else but them and Jesus.

We can’t take away the guns and not solve the why and vice versa. We have power over the why right this very minute. That power resides in our homes. And let me just say, our homes do not have to be perfect in order to be a part of the solution to this epidemic. My home-life growing up was chalked full of trials, traumas, and tragedies. Life was far from perfect. Yet, I always knew three things: I was loved, I was valued, and my parents were proud of me. Regardless of our life’s circumstances, I knew those three things and they got me through some hard times. They even get me through struggles today. And when we can’t be the source of value for our kids, that’s when our Roommate fills the void. This is why Jesus has got to move back in.

Our kids just want to feel valued, loved, and accepted. That will never happen without the love of Christ. Nor, will they feel worthy if parents don’t instill that their kids are valuable to them…that they matter enough for the parent to stop what they are doing, look their child in the eyes, and listen.

We will be side-tracked and debate why a school shooting happened again: looking at everything outside of the bulls-eye. All the while, we are completely missing the root of the problem: the lack of Jesus in our families; the lack of value we as parents show our children. It is crazy what we have become without even realizing it.

At some point, we have to stop blaming everyone and everything else. We have got to stop looking all around us and start looking within. We cannot wait any longer for someone else to do something. We have more power of this than we realize. It’s time we take action and that action starts in our homes. Tell Satan to pack his bags because Jesus is moving back in.

When I think about why these shootings keep happening, I think of the shooter. How much pain is one in to commit such a horrid act? What deep-rooted hurt is he dealing with? This absolutely does not excuse the act, it gives reason to it. Maybe, if we looked straight into the eyes of the shooter, we may start paying attention.

It is time to stop debating. It is time to stop asking why. It is time to stop pointing fingers.

It is time to start looking inward. It is time to start loving our children again. It is time to start paying attention. It is time to let our kids know they are valued and they matter. It is time Jesus moves back into our families. 

It is time. 

Love & Blessings,




You love Jesus. But, do you let Jesus love you? Yikes. That’s a tough question. It hits to the core, doesn’t it? We say we love Jesus but do we allow Jesus in to love us? I don’t think many of us have stopped to