I have something to say

I have something to say

I sat in my car and had a good cry. Sometimes a mama needs a good cry in her car. I hurt. I hurt for my kiddos and this world. I hurt for my boys’ friends and their mamas who I know have a good cry every now and again. Parenting is a charge I am privileged to walk out. This charge, however, can sometimes be completely overwhelming.

Reckless Love

Before I spoke a word, You were singing over me
You have been so, so good to me
Before I took a breath, You breathed Your life in me
You have been so, so kind to me
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God
Oh, it chases me down, fights ’til I’m found, leaves the ninety-nine
I couldn’t earn it, and I don’t deserve it, still, You give Yourself away
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God, yeah
When I was Your foe, still Your love fought for me
You have been so, so good to me
When I felt no worth, You paid it all for me
You have been so, so kind to me

Reckless love. Our kids need it. Us, parents, need it, too. Yet, we don’t always give it. Something in us evokes disdain before a reckless love. I want to change the narrative. I want to be part of a movement where instead of talking about how bad our kids are, we band together and be the village they need to become better adults then we ever were. I want to love my fellow parents (who are also trudging through the trenches) recklessly. Don’t you?

The other day I received a lengthy text. I had to reread it a few times so my brain could catch up with what my eyes were reading. It took my breath away. While I know my children aren’t perfect, I couldn’t believe what I read. It was like I knew my kid and I didn’t know this person I was reading about even though they were one-in-the-same. I was, and still am, so very grateful for that text. I was naive and needed to be made aware. My son also needed his parents to know the truth about him so we could be better parents.

Our kids, they are hurting. They are trying so very hard to fit in; to be loved. No matter how good your child is, no matter how upstanding or respectful, they have a yearning to be loved and will do extraordinary things to attain that love. Even if they are believers, they don’t have the full capacity to understand their value lies in God not others. Most are willing to sacrifice their character in order to just fit in.

Here’s what I know: our kids need our reckless love; especially when they mess up. They need to know they are loved, period. They need to be reminded (continuously) that we are proud of them just because they are our kid. They also need to know that you will fight for them: that you will battle the darkness that is this world on their behalf showing them that there is a better way.

Reckless love. They yearn for it. Be the one who gives it to them. Because if you don’t, someone or something else will.

Don’t be so quick to dismiss. Don’t be so quick to judge. Don’t be so quick to think, not my kid. I see it all over social media. I hear it when I go to coffee and overhear other moms chatting. I hear it in the stands at our kids’ games. I hear it at Target. And so do our kids. We are so quick, too quick, to talk poorly of the parents and, sadly, of the kids. Look, our kids are just that: kids. It is up to us to be the guiding force and guiding light in their lives. We lose our authority in their lives when we belittle their friends and the parents of their friends. We are no longer a safe place and quickly become just like the rest of the crowd.

It is up to us to be the guiding force and guiding light in their lives

Be the village. Be the mom who calls the other mom out of concern and love not out of judgment and fear. Be the mom who understands that even though you may not hear or see that behavior, it is occurring and your kid needs your love and guidance.

Reckless love. It is a necessity. Our kids are longing for it. And so is the parent sitting next to you. None of us deserve a reckless love. No one can earn a reckless love. Yet, when we were a foe, He still loved us. If we are privy to such a love, we must be that much more willing to give it all away.

Reckless love. They yearn for it. Be the one who gives it to them. Because if you don’t, someone or something else will.

Love & Blessings,
