NO Regrets

NO Regrets

I looked over at my husband during worship at church and thought, “I want to enjoy this guy for forever.” I just want to enjoy him. I don’t want to try and change him, nag him, or ask him to do all the things. I just want to enjoy my time with him.

I want to live my best life with no regrets. I want to live my best life unapologetically.

Our world is full of sadness. It seems we see devastation more than celebration. When something good happens, we tend to apologize for it instead of enjoying the moment. I don’t know about you, but oftentimes I feel guilty for enjoying my life. Sounds crazy, but I do.

Don’t apologize for your life. Show up to it.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

I believe the enemy loves when we don’t enjoy our lives; when we feel guilty for being happy. The narrative has shifted in our culture and if you’re happy, that means you are unsympathetic to the world. Not true. It just isn’t true. We can weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15 ) and still enjoy our lives. We can be empathetic and our hearts grieved that cancer came back for our friend while remaining grateful and enjoying the blessings before us at the same time. It does not have to be one or the other. 

Forty. It’s comin’ for me and I am ready to accept it arms wide open. I have decided that I am going to enjoy this precious life. It is a gift and I am going to unwrap it like a kid on Christmas morning. I will because He has given me this life to enjoy not just sludge through. Will there be hard times? Yup. And I will allow myself to mourn in those moments. Is life hard sometimes? Absolutely. However, choosing to enjoy your life does not mitigate hardships. It just changes your focus.

I refuse to allow the enemy to steal my joy. Allowing him to steal my joy puts a lid on hope and I am not willing to allow anyone or anything to rob me of my hope. Without hope, I am lost and I lose Jesus.

Giving myself permission to live my best life unapologetically allows others to see Jesus more clearly. When I choose joy even though my surroundings are dim, people wonder. And when people wonder, I get to share Jesus. That, my friends, is living my best life.

So, go on the vacation and don’t apologize. Tell of the good things in your life with humility and grace proclaiming the One whom good gifts come (James 1:17). Follow your dreams with enthusiasm. Celebrate your triumphs and your friends. Love your husband something fierce and talk about it (because we all need encouragement in our marriages). Tell of your good fortune and where it stems from (Jesus, of course).

God has gifted you this life. It is time you start living it unapologetically. It is okay to celebrate the good life you are given because you have a “good good Father” (Good Father-Chris Tomlin ) who loves to lavish you with His blessings.  Celebrate His goodness in your life. Enjoy the things He has given you. It is His breath in our lungs and it is time we sing His praises for His goodness in our lives.

Live your best life. Because living your best life is living out Jesus.

Love & Blessings,
