Busy or Purposeful

As we enter the holiday season, we all know our schedules will overflow. People are going to ask us how we are doing and we are going to respond with, “I’m so busy.” I don’t want to be busy. I want to be purposeful.
“… whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31b
I ran a bunch of errands, finished laundry, moved things to the attic to store, sorted hand-me-downs, took down holiday decor, cleaned the fish tank and the chicken coop, headed to the boy’s football game, and on and on. When I was done, I was exhausted. Ever have one of those days? You sit down and finally realize your exhaustion. You feel beyond busy but not very purposeful. You know the things you are doing are necessary but, the are just things; things to cross off the to-do list.
I don’t want to live a to-do list life. I want to live a purposeful life.
Paul tells the people of Corinth in 1 Corinthians to do everything they do for the glory of God. Everything. That includes your to-do list and mine. There will be days where all I can do is the laundry. Then, there will be days when I feel like I have reached new heights in my ministry. Both matter. Especially when I am living out either day for His glory.
It’s easy to get discouraged and feel like I am just going through the motions. It’s easy to feel like I lack value in what I do. But, when I shift my focus from busy to purpose, no matter what I do day-in and day-out, I’m valuable. And so are you.
I can easily go down the rabbit hole of self-worth, or lack there of; especially when I look at others. I see many much further along in ministry and wonder if what I am doing even matters; is worth it. But then, I shut the chatter down and remind myself that I am not doing this for me. I am not doing this for the world. I am doing this for Him. So, whether I am cleaning chicken poop out of the coop or writing, what I do matters.
You matter. You matter to God. You matter to God so much more than you even realize. You cannot fathom how much you mean to Him. Neither can I. You matter when you are folding laundry. You matter when you attend church. You matter when you don’t. You matter when you are changing that diaper or writing that book. You matter. And so do I.
Everything we do has potential to bring God glory. How tremendous is that? Get out there today and do you thing. Cross those things off the to-do list. Start that ministry. Whatever you do, do it for God because YOU MATTER.
Love & Blessings,